In April of this year, a 15 year-old girl was abducted and imprisoned by a human trafficking group after watching a Dallas Basketball Game. This news is so sad and heart-wrenching. As children grow up, parents often try their best to keep them from being exposed to the dark side of the world. But when the kid reaches an age where they can go out independently, their understanding of the dark side of the world and their ability to adapt to the world become crucial. The 15-year-old girl’s life was completely changed because of this dark experience and it will be difficult to get back on track. As parents, what can we do for our children? How much do we know about juvenile-related vicious crime?
The Dallas Police Department will host
a teen safety symposium
for high school students(ages 14-18)
on July 30th
at the Northwest Community Center,
covering topics such as
internet crime, human trafficking, drug prevention
and basic personal defense skills.
Hope our Asian high school students can actively participate,
free lunch, community service hours
and raffle prizes will be provided.